Real player doesn't work on F9 under KDE

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Fri Jun 20 15:34:23 UTC 2008

Anne Wilson <cannewilson <at>> writes:
> I have seen developers suggest that it's best to stay away from themes as
> long as we are running 4.0.  Have you tested with the original, default,
> theme?

The themes in question in this thread are GTK+ themes (not KDE themes), they 
have nothing to do with the version of KDE.

As for KDE themes, there are 4 types of themes:
* icon themes
* Qt widget (control) styles (the look of buttons, textboxes etc.)
* KWin window decorations (the look of window title bars and borders)
* Plasma themes (the look of the panel and the desktop widgets)
The first three should work just fine in KDE 4.0 as long as you use KDE-4-aware 
themes. Only Plasma themes are not really supported yet, they will be supported 
in 4.1.

        Kevin Kofler

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