Google Chrome repo now available

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wolfgang.rupprecht at
Thu Dec 10 01:04:05 UTC 2009

Steven Stern <subscribed-lists at> writes:
> The repo is installed when installing the new, officially supported
> Chrome beta from

I was intending to install it until I got to the licensing agreement.
Yow.  What is all that rubbish about?  I see that "do no evil" doesn't
extend to trying to make someone's head explode from forcing one to read
inscrutable legalese.  I think I'll wait for a GPL-ed or BSD version
where I can actually understand what the contract is all about without
hiring a lawyer.

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht
If the airwaves belong to the public why does the public only get 3
non-overlapping WIFI channels?

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