Someone was able to hack my mail account

Peter Boy pboy at
Fri Dec 11 08:34:21 UTC 2009

Am Donnerstag, den 10.12.2009, 16:41 -0500 schrieb kevin:
> Please if anyone knows how to stop this with postfix and amavisd-new 
> please let me know !!!
> I am clueless how someone outside $mynetworks was able to do it.

Looking at your log file I don't think someone was able to hack your
mail account.  A spam network picked up your domain name which they 
got to know e.g. by your web site (it is useful for them because they
know that domain really exists and it is unsuspicious in terms of spam).
They invented a user because they don't know your real users. This
address ist used to bypass basic spam filters (e.g. sender domain must

They will continue to use it for some time and then pick up another.


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