Fedora on Macbook Air?

Colin Paul Adams colin at colina.demon.co.uk
Sat Dec 12 15:29:00 UTC 2009

>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Danenberg <pcd at roxygen.org> writes:

    >> Is there a way to install fedora on a Macbook air (as the sole
    >> operating system)?

    Peter> I'm currently using Fedora 11 as the sole OS on a
    Peter> second-gen air; it involved, IIRC, booting with the OS X
    Peter> installation disc and reformatting the drive with the Disk
    Peter> Utility prior to installing Fedora.

Can you sketch the details of this reformatting exercise please?

    Peter> I was just sitting down to repeat the process with Fedora
    Peter> 12; but, lo and behold, the Fedora 12 installer craps out
    Peter> with a kernel panic.

I have no problems with the F12 installer (other than the resultant
installation fails to boot).
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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