Compiz -- Discussion

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at
Sat Dec 26 18:08:50 UTC 2009

On Sat, 26 Dec 2009 12:49:17 -0500
William Case wrote:

> I do include a 'fun' desktop amongst the possible advantages.

I don't have any use for it, but I sure hope that all the agony
and rewrites of the X driver model are good for something more
than rubber windows :-). It sure doesn't seem to have justified
all the instabilities in X that have come in its wake so far.

I don't know much about "spice" other than the name (the remote
desktop system, not the circuit design program :-), but I hope
it will be able to do something useful like provide high
performance video for virtual machines, maybe using the
new X capabilities to help that along? If so, that would be
a lot more useful than rubber windows...

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