Installation plays hardball

Colin Paul Adams colin at
Thu Dec 31 12:13:13 UTC 2009

>>>>> "John" == John Aldrich <jmaldrich at> writes:

    John> As I said, you need to choose to use a custom partition
    John> scheme, otherwise, Fedora will wipe every linux partition as
    John> happened to you. Granted, it's not obvious, but if you've
    John> been playing with linux for more than a couple
    John> distributions, I'd think you'd already have some notion of
    John> this by now.

I've been using Fedora since its inception, and it wasn't obvious to
me at all. I didn't actually trip up over it, as I was treading very
carefully, but I must say I have plenty of sympathy for the OP.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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