Installation plays hardball

John Aldrich jmaldrich at
Thu Dec 31 16:22:13 UTC 2009

On Thursday 31 December 2009, Mike Chambers wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-12-31 at 08:25 -0600, Mike Chambers wrote:
> > At the bottom of that window when you make your choice, there is a box
> > that says (paraphrasing) - Review modifications - that you can check
> > to make sure it's doing the right thing.  And if it's not, you can
> > modify what is going on and change it, or at least hit back button and
> > choose a different option. (this box won't appear if you customize
> > obviously)
> Ya know, after reading this and discussing on irc, actually that box
> needs to either move up higher or actually just be automatically
> included in partitioning as sure it's not that much more bigger deal to
> include?
That might not be a bad idea. That being said, I've been using linux since 
before RH stopped releasing free versions for home use and I have to say, I 
haven't had a real problem with it. OTOH, I almost always customize so I do 
NOT blow everything away and start from scratch. I have my "home" partition 
information almost from the very first linux install I ever did. Granted 
it's not on the same *drives* but the data is still there, due to having a 
separate partition for everything!
I can see both sides of this. I don't think it would hurt anything to have 
a *little* hand-holding by the installer, something to the effect of "If you 
don't want to blow everythign away and start from scratch, choose a 
different option" when you just accept the default. OTOH, I don't really 
want to turn Fedora into the "Microsoft" of linux where you don't have to 
expend any brain power to install!

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