F-9 rescue disk?

Bob Goodwin bobgoodwin at wildblue.net
Sun Mar 22 18:34:30 UTC 2009

Frank Cox wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 12:51:06 -0400
> Bob Goodwin wrote:
>> Ok, I can do that and fdisk sees the two drives, /dev/sda and sdb but 
>> not /dev/sdc which I believe is the CDROM drive?  And that's what's 
>> stopping the F-10 install from progressing, it can't fins /dev/sdc2?  
>> But if it is the cdrom it used it to get started!
>> And I still can't ssh into box6 [the failed unit].  It just reports no 
>> route to host.
> This leads me to suspect that you don't understand what rescue mode does.
> You should boot the computer that failed from the rescue cd.  After it's
> booted, you can use the keyboard that's attached to that computer to "do
> things", be that copy data off of of the hard drive or run fsck or whatever you
> need to do.
> sshd is not started by default when booting in rescue mode, so you won't be
> able to log into that machine remotely unless you take additional steps (that
> also involve typing on the keyboard that's attached to the computer you just
> booted in rescue mode) after booting it up.

Yes, I've been typing a lot of things on the keyboard but obviously not 
the right things.

The computer shows that /dev/sda and sdb are there but I can't mount 
them because it doesn't see my original /etc/fstab apparently?  Well 
even then I don't know how to address those drives because of the LVM?  
I would be quite happy if I could access those drives and extract data.  
There's nothing life or death on there but I would like to get a few 
things off if I can't fix it so the install will finish.  I don't know 
why preupgrade is looking for /dev/sdc2.  In fact I'm not sure what sdc2 
is, it's either the CDROM drive or another drive I pulled to use in this 
computer, the original XP drive.

Whatever I can't mount either drive since I apparently don't know the 
right procedure if it can be done?

Service sshd status on both computers is running but I get "no route to 
host" in both directions, going from either one to the other but then I 
don't know if the "bad" computer is still with the Live CD 
running linux rescue?


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