kernel source code

Bill Davidsen davidsen at
Thu Mar 26 04:32:32 UTC 2009

Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> And as a side note, I just pulled a source rpm off rawhide, for kernel
>> 2.6.29-rc8-git and it would unpack due to "MD5 errors" in the install.
>> Don't know what that's all about, 
> Rawhide has switched to using SHA256 instead of MD5 everywhere including
> RPM. Details in the stronger hashes feature at
Actually it seems to be signed with a key I don't see, the message is:
   kernel-2.6.29-0.258.rc8.git2.fc11.src.rpm: RSA sha1 (MD5) (PGP) md5 NOT OK 
(MISSING KEYS: PGP#d22e77f2)

I assume it's a key only in the FC11 release, which isn't in older systems. A 
problem for another day, I'm content now that I understand why it fails.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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