Help with a Bash script

Adalbert Prokop adalbert.prokop at
Thu Apr 8 15:29:02 UTC 2010

Am 08.04.2010 17:06, schrieb Michael Thompson:


> I'm quite new to Bash scripting, and just need a little pointer on how
> to go through a file, and execute commands there in until the end of the
> file is reached.

Well, if your list of commands already is a script, then including it 
would be the most convenient method.

Let's say your list is called "script" then

. <path_to_script>

would do it...

In other case here is a small executor script which reads your file line 
by line and executes it:

# file: executor
while read line; do
	echo Executing: "$line"
	eval "$line"
done < "$1"

If you start the executor with your file as the first parameter, it will 
execute the lines one by one.

# ./executor script


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