System hang on reboot after FC12 upgrade

philbrog at philbrog at
Wed Apr 28 00:09:11 UTC 2010

> Hi,
> I upgraded from FC11 to FC12 and system hangs during reboot. I removed RHGB from the boot command line and I see 4 occurrences of this error message:
> Missing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions, exiting.

This suggests a severely corrupted system.

> Then this message:
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth: line 298: 858 segmentation fault /sbin/dhclient ${DHCLIENTARGS} ${DEVICE} failed. [FAILED]

This too.

> Then these error messages:
> Starting NFS daemon: rpc.nfsd: unable to resolve ANYADDR:nfs to inet address: Name or service not known
> Rpc.nfsd: unable to set any sockets for nfsd [FAILED]

This, and the remaining error messages are a consequence of the first two, 
and are immaterial.

> System hangs at this point.  Any help is appreciated, thank you.

You have major system corruption. First, review your installation/upgrade 
process, if you remember for any hint as to what went wrong. If there's any 
hint of a problem with an upgrade, it should be cancelled immediately, 
rather than forging ahead, blindly.

Next, boot and append "1 forcefsck" to your kernel boot command, resulting 
in a full fsck and a boot into run level 1. This checks your filesystems to 
verify that they're in a consistent state, then throws you into a root 
shell, skipping most of the initialization.

Then, run "rpm --rebuilddb" to check and make any necessary repairs to your 
RPM database. Afterwards, you'll have to use some elbow grease to identify 
which packages weren't properly installed, and reinstall them via yum or 
rpm. The missing network-functions script is from the initscripts package, 
for example, so at the bare minimum you'll need to reinstall initscripts. 
It's almost a certainty that you have a long list of broken packages to 
reinstall, not just initscripts. Like dhclient. And probably many others.


The FC12 install went fine, no error messages were reported. I would have stopped it if I had seen any errors.

I booted and forced an fsck (successful), and then to runlevel 1. I ran rpm --rebuilddb successfully.

I don't have time for the remaining steps you suggest, I just want to copy some files from it, and then install net-new. Given the current state of my system, will I be able to copy files to a USB drive or CD-ROM?

Thanks again for your time and help.

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