F12 Firefox pwd trouble

NoSpaze nospaze at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 14:08:17 UTC 2010

Am Dienstag, den 27.04.2010, 17:11 +0000 schrieb Beartooth:
>         Firefox insists, whenever I let it change a password, on
> making those for two lists on the same domain (one that I run, and one 
> that I help run) the same. There are actually four different passwords, 
> what with owner and moderator for each list. Is there a fix for this??

Afaik, ffox bases its supposition about passwords on protocol, url, and
field names. If two pages present the same environment, ffox uses the
same user/password pair.

Fixes: If you have designer access to the site, you can fix the issue by
changing field names. Or you can associate two different urls for the
same page, with your two different functions, and store passwords one in
each URL.

Good luck.
Rodolfo Alcazar Portillo - nospaze at gmail.com
otbits.blogspot.com / counter.li.org: #367962
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