SSSD and Kerberos tickets

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at
Tue Aug 17 20:28:12 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 08/17/2010 04:23 PM, Christoph Höger wrote:
>>> Ok, since my university does not give me any infos about that LDAP (and
>>> I do not want to rely on their IT for logging in locally), is there no
>>> other solution to simply run kstart from pam and querying for the ticket
>>> password at startup with sssd?
>> SSSD isn't going to help you in this case. What you probably just want
>> to do is write a script to include in your .bash_profile script so that
>> when you log in, your shell calls "cat /path/to/mysecretpassword.txt
>> |kinit" when you log in.
> Hnn. Does not sound like what I want. I know that this "grep a ticket
> upon login" semantic can be added to pam, does sssd interfere somehow,
> or can I just apply $RANDOM_TUTORIAL?

Please rephrase your question. I have no idea what exactly you're trying
to accomplish.

If you had access to the school's LDAP setup (and I suspect they'd tell
you if you asked) SSSD does what you're looking for internally.

But if I'm understanding you right, you want to just use a local login
and do a kinit (I don't know what 'kstart' means) when you log in.

- -- 
Stephen Gallagher
RHCE 804006346421761

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