grub menu is automatically skipped

JB jb.1234abcd at
Mon Aug 23 16:59:39 UTC 2010

Greg Woods <woods <at>> writes:

> On Mon, 2010-08-23 at 07:12 +0000, JB wrote:
> > Aaron Konstam <akonstam <at>> writes:
> > > Which means to me that if you hibernate while in
> > > Linux it should come back to Linux.
> I actually find it useful that it does not, and I have been frustrated
> by the recent change in behavior. I used to be able to hibernate, then
> boot into Windows, then resume Linux from hibernation. This works
> because what hibernate actually does is save the RAM state to the swap
> space. As long as the contents of the swap space are not overwritten, it
> is possible to resume the hibernated image. Since Windows does not use
> the Linux swap space, it is theoretically possible to boot into Windows,
> then resume Linux later. This used to work, but now I find that when I
> have hibernated, it immediately starts booting Linux again and I am not
> given the chance to choose the boot option. If anyone knows of a way to
> restore the old behavior, I'd love to hear about it.
> --Greg

this is a good idea, but on the first look can not be implemented with
hibernate-to-swap-partition approach. The reason is that swap partition can be
a destination for saving a machine state of only one OS/distro/kernel at
a time. That is the practical reason and requirement for coming back to
the same OS/distro/kernel that hibernated, without an intermediate boot loader
menu selection available. I think that's obvious.

Now, to try to accommodate your idea, the obvious requirement would be to have
a private hibernation area/file (swap file ?) for each OS/distro/kernel's
machine state.
These solutions actually exist; it comes down to different views of how they
should be implemented, in kernel or user space, etc.
You can read about it here:


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