Download confirmation now not prompts me!

Parshwa Murdia b330bkn at
Mon Aug 30 16:29:42 UTC 2010

In a sudden changing manner, now if I try to update the system, using
the command,

[fedorax at localhost ~]$ su -
[root at localhost ~]# yum update

It doesn't prompt me to type in 'y' or 'n' if some downloadable update
is there unlike earlier when I used to type in 'yes' to download a
particular package of some size and update the system. Not only in
this command but in some other commands also, I have the same thing
repeating when I am not being prompted for tying in 'y' or 'n' for the
confirmation of download. Why could this happen all of a sudden?

Parshwa Murdia

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