how did I brea yum? [SOLVED]

Greg Woods woods at
Wed Dec 1 23:19:18 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-12-01 at 16:09 -0700, stan wrote:
>  Is it possible your hard disk is failing?

It's possible I suppose, but it still passes SMART tests. In any case,
#1 on the agenda is doing an immediate full backup.

I finally got rid of all the errors with a convoluted process. I ran
"yum update" and ran into dependency problems trying to update the "qt"
packages. So I run "yum --skip-broken update" which successfully updated
everything except the qt packages. So I next ran "package-cleanup
--cleandupes" which removed just about everything that depends on qt
(most of KDE), then manually reinstalled the KDE apps that I use
(kdegames, amarok, k3b) which pulled in the necessary dependencies, and
finally yum appears to be behaving normally.


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