desktop configuration question

Aaron Konstam akonstam at
Thu Dec 9 15:55:27 UTC 2010

On both my F14 machine and my F13 machine the following occurs. If I
have multiple windows open on the desktop and I put the cursor in the
upper right corner of the screen all the widows open on the desktop
appear in on non-overlapping display. This is what all Mac users are
proud happens hitting a key on their keyboards. I like that this
happens. Clicking on one of the now open windows returns too the
previous display with the "clicked on" widow on top.

This does not happen on all f13 or F14 systems  that I have looked at.
There must be some configuration option that makes this happen? How does
one enable and disable this behavior?
Save energy: be apathetic.
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akonstam at

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