Boot Messages

suvayu ali fatkasuvayu+linux at
Mon Dec 13 13:05:37 UTC 2010

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 3:34 AM, Tim <ignored_mailbox at> wrote:
>> Detective work.  Two commands that help are lsusb and lspci.
> Seeing as I recall the original poster mentioning that there were a new
> Linux user, these might be a handy hints:

One more addition with regards to this, the OP might be overwhelmed
with the output of all these commands. So to manage this, there are 2
simple options.

1. pipe[1] it to a pager[2] . Something like this should be helpful,
"lspci | less -i". Now you can navigate the output with "space"
(scroll down one page) or "b" (scroll one page up) or the arrow keys
to scroll line by line. You can search forward by pressing "/" and
entering the text or search backward by typing "?" and entering the

2. search through the output directly if you have some idea of what
you are looking for. So something like this should help, "lspci | grep
-i 'ion' ". This searches for the text "ion" (if I recall correctly,
the unknown device in the output of lspci was called something "ION").

The "-i" switch to both grep and less makes the searches case
insensitive. Hope his helps.

[1] the terminology used to refer to a situation when the output of
one command is used as an input to a second command
[2] a program that lets you navigate through a large text output


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