file system mount and umount timestamps?

gerrynix gerrynix at
Wed Dec 15 22:53:33 UTC 2010

gerrynix <gerrynix <at>> writes:
> I get 'last mounted' time from the super block using 'tune2fs -l' although
> there are likely other ways such as dumpe2fs. . . I have not found how to 
> determine 
> the 'last umount' timestamp. I suppose it registers somewhere. I've dug and 
> googled but have 'nada' for my efforts. Any ideas/knowledge are welcomed. . . 
> Thnx

If you are really in need of "anything", then you can use shell alias, function,
script, etc and thru mount/umount substitution, inclusion of 'date' output, and
saving the result somewhere (e.g. /var/log/mount.log), to achieve it.

Well yes JB. That works out fine. However, I specifically seek a native Linux 
command, or location of kernel or filesystem register where the info is stored. 
I believe there's no way the timestamp is not stored. I need to avoid kludgy 
solutions whenever possible. Many thanks.

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