About programing, a general question

Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Wed Dec 22 18:49:57 UTC 2010

On 12/22/2010 01:40 PM, Parshwa Murdia wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 4:09 PM, les <hlhowell at pacbell.net
> <mailto:hlhowell at pacbell.net>> wrote:
>     Since C++ is a preprocessor to C, how does it run circles around C?
>     Just asking.
C++ is NOT a preprocessor to C. Some of the original C++ systems
certainly were, but nearly all C++ compilers are true compilers. A
properly optimized simple C++ program should be able to perform as well
as C. But, when you start taking into account template classes, and a
bunch of other things, then performance takes a back seat. Our code has
over 1,000,000 lines of code, and I would hate to have to maintain it as
a C system. (I'm glad I don't have to maintain it in the first place).

Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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