JFS native kernel support.

James Wilkinson fedora at aprilcottage.co.uk
Wed Feb 3 21:45:07 UTC 2010

Vitaliy T wrote:
> I was surprised by the performance JFS in Ubuntu 10.04 alpha on my
> laptop. As I understand it everything is fine with the license and JFS
> also works with SELinux. Why drop support for JFS from the kernel and
> made it as a module? I do not want to argue about that JFS is better
> or worse ext4/xfs/etc, I just want to know why when installing Fedora
> 12, I can not format the partition as JFS?

Well, the Fedora Project prefers not to make the option that apparent,
but I understand that if you install from non-live media (e.g. the DVD)
and pass “jfs” as a kernel command line option then you can still
install to JFS:

What’s wrong with the JFS driver being a module? It doesn’t stop you
having / on JFS, since the JFS module can be built in to the initrd. It
just means that the majority of people who don’t use JFS don’t have in
permanently loaded in their kernel.

Hope this helps,


E-mail:     james@ | "This was, apparently, beyond her ken.
aprilcottage.co.uk | So far beyond her ken that she was well into barbie
                   | territory."
                   |     -- J. D.  Baldwin

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