pulseaudio memory usage possible leak

Mail Lists lists at sapience.com
Sat Feb 20 20:12:03 UTC 2010

On 02/20/2010 02:44 PM, Paolo Galtieri wrote:
  Is there a way to
> see all the extensions?

  Maybe a new google-chrome thread is in order ?

> Regarding pulseaudio I suspect that the amount of memory allocated by it
> and other applications depends on the amount of memory in the system.  I
> have 2GB of memory in my system so that may explain the 500Mb.

  Perhaps - I have 3 GiB - however allocating memory should only happen
if its needed for something - a few audio buffers would shock me if it
needed to be more than a few 10's of MiB. 400 sounds insane to me the
more I think about it.

  Since the author of pulse follows this list - could you please tell us
what you think is reasonable mem usage for the audio daemon? Is 1/2 a
terrabyte sound reasonable to you ?


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