What the %$%@ is up with firefox

Paolo Galtieri pgaltieri at gmail.com
Mon Jun 28 16:20:09 UTC 2010

On 06/28/2010 07:30 AM, Tim Van Dyne wrote:
> >> It seems firefox gets worse every release.
> >>
> Ya ever stop to wonder if it's simply the package on your own system? 
> Because I just rolled out the latest Firefox to 226 Fedora systems 
> over the weekend and they all work like a charm.
> I do know that Firefox *sometimes* jacks up royally if you update it 
> via rpm/yum and don't restart X11 at least..... Every time it happens 
> to me I'm troubleshooting up a storm until I realize someone ran a 
> horde of updates w/o rebooting.
> In your case though, ya might try reinstalling the package before ya 
> say the Internet is down if ya know what I mean.  Or at least say 
> "Hey, *my* Firefox is screwing up and I don't know why".
It's not "my" Firefox that has problems, it's Firefox that has issues.  
It doesn't render pages correctly, it crashes often, particularly on 
pages that have flash, and it consumes huge amounts of memory and cpu.  
Yesterday top showed Firefox using 93% cpu and 45% memory. I have to 
kill it and restart it often because it starts to respond very slowly 
even on an idle system.  There are times when I'm downloading files via 
Firefox where Firefox will lockup completely for several seconds at the 
end of the download.  Most of these issues that have existed in Firefox 
for years.  These problems exist on all my Fedora systems on which I run 
Firefox, not just one system.  Just because it "works like a charm" for 
you doesn't mean a lot.

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