F12-i386-DVD iso won't burn properly -- SOLVED

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Wed Mar 3 06:22:12 UTC 2010

Andre Robatino:
>>> I use the rawread script from
>>> http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/coasterless.htm#rawread
>>> which automatically reads the correct size of the ISO

>> I have to ask:  Why doesn't the installer's self test routine work that
>> way?  This problem has been around for *years*.

Mike McCarty:
> How would you embed the checksum in the image, without knowing what
> the image's checksum is? To put it another way, when you put the
> checksum in the image, the checksum of the image changes due to
> the embedding.

It wasn't that chicken-and-egg situation that I was referring to, but
the long standing issue that the self check has been bad for a very long
time.  If *something* *else* can manage to not read past the end of the
disc, why can't it?

In this circumstance, the checksum doesn't present that sort of problem,
because it's a fixed size.  You know how many bytes it's going to use,
even if you didn't know what bytes would be in it.  So, you could
certainly include the checksum on the disc and still have a known disc

The chicken and egg problem of how do you put a checksum onto the disc
that you're going to checksum only has one simple solution:  Don't.

You'd have a routine that asked for a checksum to be inputed, from some
other source, and the disc to be checked against it. 

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