Dump/Restore Errors

John Austin ja at jaa.org.uk
Wed Mar 3 13:06:11 UTC 2010


I have been following recent threads about the best way to clone/backup

"Risks of backing up live mounted filesystems using dump(8)"

I have just tested dump/restore using a System Rescue CD
using dump 0.4b42

The source /dev/sda7 is a fully working updated F12 / partition
(including /boot)

The destination is a similar partition on the same disk /dev/sda9

mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sda9
mkdir /mnt/out
mount /dev/sda9 /mnt/out
dump 0f - /dev/sda7 | (cd /mnt/out; restore -rf -)
40GB dump/restore took 46 minutes

I received 9 errors of the type

resync restore, skipped 1 blocks
error in EA block 1
magic = 0

Google tells me that dump saves as is
and that restore is finding an error in an Attribute Block
(maybe/sometimes associated with NFS)

I have not been able to find definitive answers to some obvious

1. Are these fatal for the file concerned hence invalidating the clone/backup?
   I am unsure how to interpret the error message

2. Why are they present in the first place?

3. How can I find which files they are caused by?

4. Can I correct the errors, do I need to?

Grateful for any help


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