partition customization do I ???

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Thu Mar 4 14:44:22 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 03 March 2010, Craig White wrote:

>DD is just an overlay to fdisk and anything that DD does, is nothing
>that anyone can't replicate by using fdisk manually prior to, or as
>suggested to the OP upthread, simultaneous to the installation. I never
>cease to be amused at your ability to posture that you actually
>understand what you are doing. Feel free to bugzilla any problems you
>run into.

That may well be, but the fact that what I did, works so much better.  You 
have the company line to follow, and any deviations have to be psychoanalyzed 
so it is somehow the discoverer of that better ways fault.  Amazing.

Cheers, Gene
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