How to Update Firefox with Fedora 12 and use Firefox's "Check for Updates"?

Matthew Saltzman mjs at
Wed Mar 31 15:10:03 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-03-31 at 09:23 -0500, Michael Bullington wrote:

	To whom it shall concern,
        I am very angry that I am unable to update Firefox manually using Firefox
        because the "Check for Updates" menu option from Firefox is dimmed out.
        The information from Mozilla states I need to have sufficient access
        authority to be able to "Check for Updates".
        How can I do this with Fedora 12?
        I feel I should have the ability to start Firefox and be able to "Check for
        Updates" as I please and *NOT WHAT SOMEBODY AT RED HAT OR FEDORA WANTS ME TO
        DO THINGS!*
Then install Firefox from scratch, rather than using the Fedora

If you were to use the link to manually update Firefox, you'd get a
version that wasn't packaged for Fedora.  It could interfere with the
packaged version that you have installed, and it wouldn't interact with
the packaging system to connect the update to other packages.

Do you find that Fedora packagers aren't releasing updates in a timely
fashion?  Or is this simply a matter of principle for you?
                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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