F12 crash

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at greshko.com
Wed Mar 31 22:58:07 UTC 2010

On 04/01/2010 06:27 AM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
>> That is fine, but please do not recommend others disable
>> it.
> Why?  If it's the root of the problem...  Besides "others" are free to make their own decisions, are they not?
Of course everyone is free to make their own decisions.  That isn't at

The point is that the suggestion to disable selinux out of hand, without
any supporting evidence is poor advice.  It would be on par that the
first suggestion when a "slow network" is reported that the firewall be
> As it turned out, the OP's update/F12 problem was related to his own settings and not selinux, but initially insufficient info was given to discern that.  However, my F12 update problem was.  And it wasn't the first time.  To date, I don't know if it's fixed.  Perhaps on my next update, I'll "enable" selinux and see what happens.
You've just indicated the key to the point being made.  "Insufficient
info was given...."  Anyone suggesting that selinux be turn off, or a
firewall be turned off, (or any advice) should first ask for the logs
that would provide supporting info or some logical reason to perform an

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