Linking two files together

Mike McCarty Mike.McCarty at
Wed May 26 19:42:05 UTC 2010

Rector, David wrote:
> Mike,
> Thanks for the tip. I think there may be something here I can use.
> However, I am not as familiar with pipes and streams as I would like
> to be.
> Is it possible to use cat so the multiple files will pipe to something
> that my app can open. E.g. my apps don't operate on the standard input
> stream, they need to open the file, then scan back and forth within the file.

As mentioned by someone else, pipes are sequential read only.
If you really need to seek around, then I think you need to
concatenate the files, or modify your app to be able to read
a list of files.

Just FYI, there are things called "named pipes" which can do
some of what you want, but they are still pipes, which means
sequential write to the source, and sequential read to the

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