'userdel' irony -- what do you say ?

sawrub sawrub at fedoraproject.org
Mon May 31 04:12:26 UTC 2010

Hi List,

I created a user by the name test, and after doing with my testing was 
going to delete the user using the following command, userdel and also 
added '-f' for cleaning out the home without leaving any traces of 
'test'. But the command says :

[root at xbox ~]# userdel -f test
userdel: user test is currently logged in

Then i noticed that a tab in terminal was open with the user logged in. 
Closed the TAB and again tried to remove the user. And to irony the user 
was already gone as now the command said :.

[root at xbox ~]# userdel -f test
userdel: user 'test' does not exist

Tried listing the files and all were there intact.

[root at xbox ~]# ll /home/test/
.bash_history          .bash_profile          .dbus/                 
firefox-3.6.4.tar.bz2  .gconfd/               .gnome2_private/       
.bash_logout           .bashrc                firefox/               
.gconf/                .gnome2/               .mozilla/
[root at xbox ~]#

I'm totally lost that how is parameter working fully against what man 
says about it, pert manual

-f, --force
            This option forces the removal of the user account, even if 
the user is still logged in. It also forces userdel to remove the user´s 
home directory and mail spool, even if another user uses the same home 
directory or if the mail spool is not owned by the specified user. If 
USERGROUPS_ENAB is defined to yes in /etc/login.defs and if a group 
exists with the same name as the deleted user, then this group will be 
removed, even if it is still the primary group of another user.

Seems that there is some issue with the command parameter, what do you 
say ? is there some issue or Am i wrong somewhere.

Saurabh Sharma
Linux user number: 490644
Open your doors.......It's time to look beyond Windows

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