Proprietary or open source NVidia drivers?

Steven I Usdansky usdanskys at
Wed Oct 13 23:44:04 UTC 2010

I started out using nvidia's run packages because the nouveau driver wouldn't 
work at all with my onboard GeForce 9100 graphics chip. Now that the nouveau 
driver works for me, I've abandoned the proprietary nvidia driver, and updating 
is a lot easier.. 

The proprietary nvidia driver was (and probably still is) faster, but I'm not a 
gamer and don't need thousands of frames per second from glxgears. Having to 
rebuild the nvidia package after each kernel update was annoying, especially 
since I tend to run Rawhide and/or branched pre-releases as my main desktop OSs. 
Worst of all, sometimes a kernel upgrade would work, other times the nvidia 
package would compile but not run, and still other times the nvidia package 
would not even compile. I'm impatient, and rpmusion was too slow with their 
updates for me (but they do an excellent job, and this is not meant in any way 
as a complaint ), so I didn't generally use their kmods. 

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