I think we need a discussion

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 16:47:19 UTC 2011

On Tue, 30 Aug 2011 11:26:59 -0500
Ranjan Maitra wrote:

> Does a linux user really care for a Trash can?

Not me, especially not one that conforms to the insanely
cryptic freedesktop.org trash standards.

Personally I use the simple window manager FVWM, and I use
it with my own, built from scratch, .fvwmrc file that doesn't
get changed out from under me in every release.

However, on each new release, I am constantly panting around
after gnome trying to discover what new daemons gnome programs
rely upon so I can start them in my .xsession file.

(The gnome developers appear to have the philosophy:
"never call a subroutine when dbus communication with a
separate daemon can be substituted, and never start a daemon
on demand when it can be running 24/7 instead even if
you only need it once a week." :-).

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