Continued kernel updates for F14?

stan gryt2 at
Wed Aug 31 03:01:28 UTC 2011

On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 15:51:34 +0200
Christopher Svanefalk <christopher.svanefalk at> wrote:

> for those of us who are a little reluctant about moving to Gnome3
> just yet, does anyone know if there are plans to release rpms of
> kernel versions later than 2.6.35 for F14?

I can't answer your question about updates, but I can tell you that the
2.6.38 kernel src.rpm packages from F15 compile and run fine on F14.
The 2.6.40 packages (version 3 kernels) compile fine but have
dependency issues when installing.  I didn't try resolving them.

If you aren't making any changes to the configuration of the kernel, it
is very straightforward to compile the src.rpm package.

Pretty much

install the rpmbuild utilities

as user, rpm -ivh the src.rpm package (you will have to get this
manually from a repository)

cd to ~/rpmbuild/SPECS and run rpmbuild -bb kernel.spec

The output will be under ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/<arch> and you can just
install the RPMs with yum (as root).

I usually run dracut to create a custom initramfs tuned to my system,
replacing the one in the grub menu with my own.


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