The Linus view of GNOME 3.2

Bill Davidsen davidsen at
Sat Dec 3 18:48:53 UTC 2011

Alan Cox wrote:

>> that were once solely the domain of PCs. Tablets are quickly displacing
>> laptops in the business world. The main barrier is that they are more
> I don't know where you got that from, but worldwide tablet sales hardly
> back that up.
> There is one point that is being missed though, critical to the whole
> argument. Try using Fedora 15 / Gnome 3 on a touchscreen - its absolutely
> unusable because of things like the window resizing behaviour.
I think the tablet is a valuable tool, but it doesn't exist in the same space as 
a PC. If the imput limitations are not an issues, and many people are just 
consumers on content, then a tablet will serve. If portability is an issue, and 
ease of use without a mouse matters, the tablet is a better choice,. no PC needed.

I'm planning to buy the new Eee Transformer, it provides the benefits of both, 
and the means to use whichever configuration suits. A tablet for walking around, 
and a real keyboard and better resolution mouse when doing typing tasks. It will 
not replace a big PC for major word processing, unless it has a lot better 
keyboard feel and CPU power than I expect, but for a few days on the road it 
serves just fine.

I think the car paradigm works, the specialized units are so much better than 
the general purpose units that there is a market for all of them, big, little, 
cheap, expen$ive, sexy, etc.Sports cars and Fiat 500 as well as pickup trucks.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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