Private: to mods and forum owners...

Linda McLeod lindavaldeen at
Thu Dec 8 01:52:09 UTC 2011

I know I've been a bit of a "pain", but I have reasonable reason..

Please let me clarify my position with this letter, so you'll see what
it is driving me to make things better in this world...   I'm not trying
to upset people.. I'm only trying to wake them up to a little more
reality, life, and love..  It's just that most people feel themselves
threatened when they compare themselves to a greater mind.. which is no
reason for me to be like them..  I'm like me.. I'm solo.. end of


When I was 14, I listened deeply to "Madame Curry's lecture to the
dignitaries" in the black and white movie "Madame Curry"...  It was so
well written and spoken, that it impacted me ever so deeply, her words
became my primary driving force, my prime directive, from that minute,

Because of Madame Curry's lecture, all my life I have dedicated myself
to the advancement and enhancement of the human race.. dedicated to
expanding upon its comfort, its intellect, its health, its survival, to
its discovery of all its precious places in the universe for us...  
I discovered 300 new sciences not yet known...  Surf the Net for my old
handles "extremesciences", "cosmicbrat", "occultrush".. though many
cons, scums, and fools, are plagiarizing my handles now, mostly for
parasitic synthetic pretend glory, and for quick easy money purposes,
they wish.. Mostly it be the bullies are doing it to try to discredit me
because they can't handle anything new, because thinking makes their
heads ache, so they deem thinking and mind-usage is bad..  They demand
all newness be solved, predigested, and spoonfed to them like how mummy
used to feed them in the highchair... They really don't have a single
clue about any new science, and never will..  They just don't have the
capacity to process thought on these levels, and never will.. They
aren't even aware of the existence of these thought levels.. In hell
they aren't even aware that they have feet till they ache...  Their
sentience values are limited to unbearable pain and discomfort levels
only.. Pain is their only motivation.. numbing their own pain, and
causing pain to others...

35-years ago, I learned, from the "Toronto New Age Mind Awareness
School" about "punching the envelope", and pushed it to where I
"penetrated the envelope" in through three layers, and pushed-on into
the 14th...  I discovered 300 new sciences not yet known, then 1100
more...  I discovered how mind time-travel works.. It's too simple..
It's in us here and now to explore the whole universe on a whim.. 
Problem is that it requires a functional mind.. and humanity is this
very now losing its mind to cyberspace addiction and failing health, for
many reasons...

I took a little self-trance experimental time-travel journey in
ultra-deep thought, into what seemed to be our future 150-million years
from now..  In the dream the planet wasn't where it should be, not
anywhere in its orbit, no where to be found.. only bits and chunks of
rock floating around...

Upon return to the twentieth century, I "froze-paused" the trance, and
viewed what "seemed to be the planet near 155,000 AD"..  There wasn't a
single insect alive on the planet to be seen in that year in the
vision.. absolutely no life on planet earth in the year 155,000.. from
what I saw.. 

In the "dream" I backtracked ever so slowly toward the 20th, searching
for what it was that destroyed the earth.. pausing the instant I noticed
movement on the planet.. Near the year 145,730 I watched the second-last
human cracking the marrow out of the fresh bloodied bones of the last..
Nearly "lost my cookies" in the here and now, seeing that gore and
disgust of the last human being cannibal, the proverbial "snake that ate
its own tail"...

Humanity going extinct in 145,000 years was absolutely not acceptable to
me.. It seemed no one else cared in the slightest, but for a few elitist
environmentalist groups, and a few solo's, but all their energies were
aimed wrong, at only the symptoms.. like the judicial and the medical
industries do... 

I had dedicated my whole life to find ways to make humanity live much
longer than just 145,000 more years..  I was pushing for 10-million, at
least..  I quickly realized that humanity would need to start
strengthening its health and attitudes toward healthy living on a
healthy viable planet for humanity to even begin to start to survive its
impending inevitable incoming extinction...  

Eventually I discovered the steps humanity could implement to make
future people live to near 700...  At 15, I was given a UWO library
card.. I was studying in UWO's science libraries, text books, papers,
and manuals, on all the sciences, determining each Science's base and
ceiling, and holes and needs.. The dean of chemistry took me under his
wing to hook me up with knowledgeable forth year students who had the
time and desire to teach a genius kid, to answer the kid's extremely
deep questions, and for me to answer their's..  They learned a lot from
me, as I from them...  I pointed out the flaws in their experiments... 
As my reward for helping a researcher with his project he asked "So what
is there that I can do for you?"..  I replied "Please make me some
Laural Sulfate", to sniff, cuz I likes its smell..  He did, the next

A nuclear physicist gave me his Sundays for a few months, to teach the
bases and ceilings of his Science...

I found how to dismantle the virus, and neutralize bacteria.. I was
going to eliminate all disease on the planet.. I found base themes on
how to eliminate all diseases from the planet...

I found bench-manual class data on a Liquid electricity engine which
would obsolete fire as a power source, disintegration trash-pails, 4D
TV, thought recorder/playback, planetary defenses, synthetic diamond
hardness 28 on the 1-10 mhos scale of hardness, 1200-mph cars, 600-mph
boats, synthetic pets, androids, the next set of cinema special-effects,
how to build and power Atlantis, and much much more...  
I had tapped into all that's written in human DNA for us to be and to
build..  When I deep think, the data just "leaks-in through the 3-holes"
I made in the so-called "envelopes"....  

For sceptics and numbs who ask, "How can you think that deep?"..  it's
all in my blogs... Surf: "extremesciences" & "occultrush" &

There were many key factors that gave me deeper thought processing
abilities..  Factors that no one else has experienced.. It's all in
everybody to fire it up and run with it, but one must possess a
functional mind to do so...  These days people and whole cultures fear
the mind.. In hell they abuse telepathy by using the language of the
heavens to do evils...

asked: "How can you think that deep?"..  
For one, I "made woopie" with the ultra-genius Toronto lady who wrote
science texts for Canada's education system..  When the dear lady
orgasmed huge, from her laughing 16's face, she took my mind to her
"absolute mind ceiling", in attempting to better determine her own
parameters through my intellect, and to get at my core to learn to grow
more than she already was, while she was pushing me into a lot of
newness too.. The lady has an extremely powerful mind.. That, plus a few
years later, I penetrated the proverbial "envelope" X 3..  Data just
leaks-in from those three-realms when I deep think..  The data I get is
always a huge surprise.. but none of it comes with a user's manual, nor
any description... Most of it is extremely difficult to interpret with
and in the prehistoric words we use.. is why I was writing a dictionary
along with this encyclopedia, which I burned in the garden on my
birthday with 80,000 pages of science notes, to prevent the attacking
kooks from getting at this dangerous data.. after those crazies started
attacking my life..  This data is way too dangerous for kooks, bullies
and warmongers to know...  I burned all my notes a couple years ago,
after this bout of police brutality began to escalate... 

Seems I can't deep think any more.. My heart just can't handle it.. 
You, whom ever from hell you are, murdered the great scientist in me.. I
am but a step on a ladder, in which humanity discovers itself and its
destination... You murdered Canada's future, and your's.. I wonders if
you are the AH who was pretending to use his mind to kill me..?  Seems
you didn't like me bending & sending your evil pretending right back at
you, with a powerful suggestion.. You attacked me sir.. I merely
defended myself from you pretending to be killing me with your little
black mind.. 
You erase our means of defending ourselves before you attack us innocent
Canadians, whilst you pretend to be our leaders..  Is this your take on
"hunting"..?  Is Canada's peoples just your sports killing fields, and
your perpetual meal..?  Your evil done is your permanent tether to
hell.. You attacked someone with a stronger mind than you, and when you
got stung from your own stinger, you ran screaming to "mummy and daddy,
and the military", like you always did and do when you hurt yourself
being a bully.. You aren't our bosses and leaders..  You are
cocaine-head demons, and you knows it..  Look into the mirror of truth
at the truth that blinds you from love and life, and makes you see us as
only "bugs and problems"...  You don't lead us.. You stir us in your
"nationwide toilet", is all you ever do to us gentle folk Canadians, and
we knows it, because we feels it...

In the process of trying to analyse newly acquired data from the other
realms, it makes my heart feel like it's just about to burst.. is why
I've had to abandon and boycott the second and third levels, including
and to the 14th..  It's all just too dangerous for me to touch these
days.. In these thought experiments there were times my heart suddenly
stopped for several minutes when I went too deep for too long.. but not
a problem back then.. I found how to reboot the heart, whilst surfing
death itself, several times.. but restart-beats always stung big-time
when it ripped nerves between ribs, when restart heart bulged a nerve
ripping bubble-up between/through ribs, like "an inflated balloon in a
paper-bag being stomped upon".. My chest stung sharply upon every breath
for a couple months..  I justified it with, "humanity deserves the risks
and the pain", so I pushed-on and on into new territory daily, for 35
years, for humanity and the life on this planet...

About 25 years ago, I lived in a sweet little apartment for four years..
 After a year, the acting caretaker moved out to "greener pastures", and
a young redhaired fellow moved into the apartment below mine.. Every
night he coughed the whole night long.. I couldn't sleep.. so I
pretended to reach into his throat, and pulled out what was making him
cough...  From that minute, on, I never heard him cough again...
Seems, in his subconscious, he didn't appreciate me "stealing" his
cough..? He became a little terror for me there.. He conned a foxy
female coke-head tenant in the building to steal my keys for him
three-times.. Each time he would return my keys, claiming he found them
on the parking lot.. Each time he returned my keys the keys to the
apartment door were freshly scraped shiny by a key machine's scriber...
Upon each return of the keys, I would lock the door, early AM, with many
four-inch wood screws and drill, and would rush to the locksmith for key
changes to the locks, to get the job done before the demons awoke...

I got me a mint condition 1950's French Peugeot car, with the engine all
apart in boxes all ready to rebuild, all for $200.. I had all the newly
France imported parts and gaskets ready to rebuild it.. All I needed was
one more bearing, from Europe.. Terry stole several critical parts of
the engine, and trashed them..  Terry pissed on my apartment door, and
on the carpet in-front of the door.. His girlfriend often placed putrid
vegetation at my door...
He stole the center panel of an expensive valued wall-mural...  He
vandalized my vehicles...  Terry brought in a hoodlum from BC, and tried
to convince him to murder me...  I couldn't take any more, so I was
forced to give notice..  While I was saying my goodbyes, to a lady in
her apartment, Terry barged into her apartment, and started yapping at
me, insulting me to the best of his abilities..  I explained to Terry
how his cough had vanished, and informed him that I don't need him to be
quiet anymore, so I would return his cough to him for him being such an
AH-bully those three years.. I did that night, and he was coughing

Terry bullys the same style of bullying as the fellow who is bullying me
today, and who has for this past five-years...  I heard a rumor that
Terry's brother is a policeman stationed in Manitoba...  I heard that
Terry's surname is "Leadbottom"...

Re: "Every night he coughed the whole night long.. I couldn't sleep.. so
I pretended to reach into his throat, and pulled out what was making him
cough...  From that minute-on I never heard him cough again"..  Is that
why you make that V-chip scream two high pitched tones in my ears, jaw,
and skull all night long..?  Is it to cause me sleep deprivation, to
torture and murder me..?

For those bullies who are confused about my healing abilities.. be it
known that I heal only friends..  Get It!..  Heal thyself!..  Do not ask
me for anything, ever!..

Sunday, yesterday, Nov 20/2011.. I had a garage appointment to have
tires changed on two vehicles.. I phoned my relative to have her meet me
at the car wash, to pressure-wash the tires before we had them mounted,
to prevent leaks.. I asked her to meet me in 20-minutes (12:30PM)...
Knowing that my phone is tapped, as it has been since February 2010, I
waited from the garage lot across the street, to see who would come-by
to see me to gloat.. In comes a new black SUV, obviously not needing
cleaning, looking freshly professionally detailed... Big mistake bad
While I washed the tires, he stood at the outer column of the car wash
stall his vehicle was in, arms crossed, glaring at me proud and strong,
as if saying "I sure got you good".. He has red hair like Terry's.. He
resembles Terry in many ways.. He is possibly/probably Terry's policeman
brother.. They record all my phone calls.. I hear a secondary click
every time I switch the receiver on... They monitor my Internet, and
destroy OS's every time I post, ongoing for over five years now, and
last week...  I suspect that all this terror and torture I'm being put
through is vengeance for me giving Terry his cough back for him being
such an AH in Calgary, just like his brother... I'd wager that their
bloodline is possessed by black demons...

Seven years ago while painting my relative's house, a day after that
couple had split-up, a hooker's pimp came by to the neighbour's house,
asking me if I knew if Dan and the female he was with all night were
still there... I said seems that Dan spent the night with a hooker in
his camper.. I heard that 99% of Winnipeg hookers tested for aids tested
positive.. How does he know she is clean?"...

The hooker's pimp confronted me on the street down-town six weeks later,
informing me "She is going to DESTROY! you.. you should leave Selkirk
now, if you don't want to be destroyed."...

I noticed that hooker and Dan, often roaming through the neighbourhood a
lot during the next twelve months, chatting to all the neighbours.. Then
the police were making frequent patrols near my house, day and night,
and eyeing me a lot, and excessive.. I heard rumours accusing me of
being "a pedophile".. Parents and neighbours were often having their
kids parading and playing in groups near and in front of my house, while
people watched hiding from corners and behind fences... Seems the hooker
and Dan were in process of "destroying me", as the pimp warned, by
seeding and growing lethal rumours...

I moved a mile from the area.. The hooker sent her daughter to my door
to ask if she could shovel our snow for Christmas money.. We hired her
for the job, and paid her double what she asked, she did such a good
A few months later the hooker dressed her two young daughters up as old
as they could be made to look, and five minutes after Linda left the
house for work, the hooker's kids knocked at our door, asking "Do you
want to buy anything?", while they had nothing in their hands, while the
hooker and a cop watched while hiding behind nearby trees...

For 5.5 years the police watched me closely, sometimes bullying me.. and
bullying my 80's mother to the point she was afraid to go outside...

Seems the police desperately wanted to destroy a "big city pedo" so bad
that they invented one from an Innocent, then proceeded to progressively
meticulously destroy me for their fun and sport and delusion... They
fell for the hooker's revenge-story, hook, line, and sinker... They
bypassed the courts in their vigilante action... They had no evidence,
save for that which they have skillfully fabricated...

For five years the police computer black-hats destroyed my PC's
operating systems over 300 times, usually moments after I posted
anything on the Internet... Those computer police stalked me on the
Internet daily/hourly, badmouthing and starting arguments in every forum
I posted in...

Last year in Feb/2010, a retired policeman walked up and down my
neighbour's driveway, minutes after the neighbour left for work.. He
covered his face with his hand, and said "I'm gonna kill you", then ran
down the street to his SUV, and drove away fast... I detailed that
incident to the psyche nurse neighbour across the street, asking her to
phone me when she saw a suspicious stranger near the house, and that I
feared that this bullying might escalate to them murdering me... Next
thing I know is three police cars and a crisis unit parked in front of
my house, then them trampling mud and gravel all through my house,
questioning me with loaded questions... Suddenly they cuffed me, and
took me to the Selkirk hospital, where they gave me a coffee that when I
stood, my legs buckled from being heavily drugged... They kept me at the
hospital in the hard wooden chair for several hours late into the middle
of the night, then two officers drove me along gravel roads.. while I'm
expecting that they are going to take me out to the forest to murder
me... I had no option but to accept that fate, and remained calm, but
scared to death... They took me to the Winnipeg hospital, where they had
me sit at a desk.. The receptionist placed a form in front of me,
claiming it was just an admission form.. The officers forced me to
swallow four more Lorazepam tablets.. While I pulled my reading glasses
out of my pocket, the tall blond officer snatched my reading glasses
from my hand, saying "you won't be needing to read anything"... I was so
drugged I foolishly signed the form.. Next thing I knew they were taking
me to a cat-scanner room.. I said "I don't want that!".. The officer
said you will take this pill (another Larazepam tablet) or you will get
it as an injection.. You will lay on the table, or you will be
strapped-in and rubber pads applied to hold your head in... After the
scanner operator did the normal 150 head/brain scan, the officer said to
her "Set it at Max".. She questioned him.. He said "DO IT!" She scanned
my brain with a 2000 scan.. then the officer said "Do it again!" and she
did... It erased all the sciences I had been working on for 50-years, in
my dedicated project to help humanity beat its impending extinction, and
to make humanity's living be as
productive and comfortable as it gets...

They kept me awake in the waiting room for another four hours, and
forced me to ingest another Lorazepam tablet.. Then they drove me to the
University hospital to their "PS1 isolation unit", where they forced me
to ingest another Lorazepam, then locked me up in a room for the night,
and the day... They forced me to ingest Lorazepam tablets twice a day,
plus a heart drug which nearly caused me a fatal heart attack... The day
before they released me the black fellow in PS2 forced a V-chip into the
skin in my right ear canal, after rolling the chip in his filthy faecal
bacteria bio-toxic bare fingers, and rolling it on the filthy dinning
table three times.. A few days later, my teeth and gums and lower jaw
stung and itched and tingled from the extreme infections they had
introduced into my blood during the insertion of the V-chip... I believe
inserting the filthy bio-toxic V-chip is "attempted murder".. and given
that I can't seem to elevate the infections it caused, with the seven
different sets of antibiotics I've taken, it may well be murder given
that my heart rate and blood pressure are extremely high from all that
torture.. Three days ago my heart tested at 210...  I was gonna live to
83.. Now I'll be lucky to make it to 65... The infections they caused in
my ear spread quickly to my teeth in a couple of days.. suddenly I
needed eight root canals... The infection is still in my jaw.. It feels
"crawly" in my teeth and jaws, lips and tongue.. It's "bio-warfare", and
I know it's killing me..  The growing new symptoms are alarming in the

After three weeks they released me, claiming my diagnosis was that I'm
Seems everything too new for this culture to grasp, is considered to be
"delusional", and grounds for capital punishment...  I'm a pioneering
scientist, I see new ideas formulate around a concept, or a problem.. 
That's how scientists invented and invent new things for you... All
through history great scientists have been treated this way..  One wise
fellow proclaimed that "the world is round", and suddenly religion and
government attacked him over it, like I'm being attacked by democracy..
If you can't handle newness, then don't read about, nor listen to
newness.. "bury your head like the ostrich"...  
You all can go watch the soaps on der teevee, and play your interactive
cartoon video games, to strengthen and maintain your delusional
"reality"..  Your reality is the delusion.. You all don't have the first
clue about what reality is...  You are living some ancient peoples

For over a year and a half, Their V-chip has been ringing loudly in my
ears daily, and all night.. They ring it loudest after I post on the
Internet.. and maybe whenever one of them has a bad dream, or an itch..
They ring it loud in the middle of the night to wake me every few
hours... My brain can't regulate my heart-rate because of all this loud
ringing in my ears and skull and brain... They are murdering me
"slowly"... Seems they have stripped away my last 20-years from this
unwarranted torture, and mental & physical abuse, and bio-terrorism upon
my Being... I did no crime.. I foolishly chatted with a hooker's pimp,
so what.. I said "how does he know she doesn't have aids?".. That's my
crime.. And the police here destroyed my life for it...  Get It! Her
story was only vengeance for her delusion..  You bunch took it hook,
line and sinker, and made it be your delusion, adding to it your other
delusions, upon delusions, then acted upon them...

I was only trying to help humanity survive its mess, and defeat its
impending extinction.. and they destroyed my health and life to appease
a psychotic hooker's & pimp's blind vengeance... This kind of action
isn't even permitted in war by the Geneva convention, yet Canadians are
doing it to innocent Canadians...

Two officers dressed in black suits canvassed the neighbourhood, and
most of the city, asking people "Do you know anyone named Don..." I
suppose they were
warning citizens with their concocted pedophile threat, to destroy me
even more, in appeasing their delusions and vendetta...  That's
literally hundreds of witnesses...
I started work on a house near a school.. The next day a cop car was
parked at that school.. and a couple of kids walked by, saying hello in
such a way that It rang of "games" created by police and teachers...

Two cops walked past the house I was painting in town in 2010..  One
said to the other "It's sad that no lawyer will take him on.. they're
all afraid of the cops".. Then they giggled and laughed like schoolyard
girlies...  They sent cheap disgusting plump little hookers to try to
entice me.. Probably Aids infected girls..  I ignored them like I ignore
doggie excrement on the street...  

Occasionally they set-up cameras to run surveillance on me, in an RV, in
a red van, and in a gray pickup in the Safeway parking lot..  A female
cop in civvies photographed me on the downtown street.. Another
screeched his car to a sudden halt, on the same street, then jumped out
of his patrol car and photographed me.. One of this town's baby-faced
"guardian angel foot patrols" confronted me downtown, and on the side
streets several times, making violent threats.. He would hide in the
bushes in the lane behind our home, watching Linda undress through her
bedroom window, whilst massaging his penis, every night for a whole
month, between 10:15 PM to 11: PM..  Sometimes I would wait for him,
whilst sitting in a lawn chair at the fence, to silently spectate and
document his peeping-tomming, and his disgusting masturbation antics in
the bushes.. till I spooked him one evening when his masturbation antics
made me throw-up on the spot...

I've got three photos of the police trained policeman's stoolie &
stooge, neighbor, also peeping at Linda's bedroom window while she
undressed at night, him peeping from the same bushes the other kook
peep-tommed from..

When I did roof snow removal and driveway snow removal at a downtown
commercial building, I often sensed a gun aimed at my head several
times..  Then I saw the gun, across the street in the house on the next
street.. Then I started getting vile posts, 68 in total, from an
Elizabeth, who ran on a yahoo email account <phil.will22 at>.. I
see "will22" as an obvious death threat..  Will she or he shoot me with
her black nylon stalk Remington 22 rifle..?  

Now there's a broken window, on this building, right in line with
Elizabeth's house...  Her husband drove me to Winnipeg, to a fictitious
painting job quote, on the outskirts of Winnipeg..  The kitchen had
obviously been painted dozens of times..  The kitchen ceiling was
layered with way too many coats of paint to be normal in any way.. I
suppose there is a lot of blood splatters under those paint coats..
There was a samurai sword on the fireplace mantle.. The house was
definitely not being lived in.. It was just to toxic for anything to
live in it, for even an hour.. Just being in that building for only five
minutes, I lost my voice from temporary laryngitis, and felt very sick
for several hours... I wonders if that's a "cleaner house"..?  Seems
capital punishment wasn't actually banished in Canada.. just hidden deep
within the culture, hidden above, and out of reach of the law.. Was I
supposed to be painting the kitchen, and some crazy killer fellow would
enter the house, retrieve the sword, and lop off my head..?  This is
what the courts are for.. to prevent vigilantes from murdering
innocents.. to prevent idiots from taking the law into their own hands,
when they are misinformed, conned, and dead wrong..  This is them
breaking part of Democracy's greatest laws that protect innocents from
crazies like them...

The cops on Maple had the female on Vaughan Street try three times to
get me to quote on repainting her welfare house, when she can't even
afford a telephone.. I happened to drive by, and noticed the cop's gray
pickup parked in he drive for over an hour, near midnight, chatting with
her as she stood outside the open passenger door, in the falling snow.. 
Looked like he handed her a small package.. Next day I complained about
"them attempting to procure a murder"..  I complained about it on the
Internet, and the next day, as I am driving by, I sees that cop driving
that welfare female to his Maple Street residence.. The next day I
happened to be driving by, and noticed two formal executive-class
females stepping-out of their vehicles at that house, each with an inch
thick stack of papers in their hands..  Their vehicle plates started
with "XXZ ***..." ("probably police disaster control" says I to my
mother, who was with me in my car)..  Then a couple weeks later the
welfare female tries again to get me to do a painting quote..  There was
an out of province vehicle in the drive then.. I wondered if it was a
"hitter"..  There is absolutely no way I'd even go near that house..
besides, the welfare housing authority has their own contract painters,
and I am definitely not permitted to paint a welfare housing house
without their written permission, they tell me...  The housing authority
informed me that "All Housing's tenants know that they are not permitted
to have non contract housing people work on our housing authority

The two live-together cops, on Maple, called me for a painting quote..
While I was making the quote, one says out of the blue, "You don't have
to worry about all the blood splatters.. They'll all be covered by the
coatings and flooring".. His overly tattooed buddy laughed "yuh yuk ahoo
hoo hoo"... I turned and exited as fast as I could...

I read on the Internet that noise pollution causes hundreds of thousands
of early fatal coronaries in every nation in the world.. This noisy
V-chip is quickly pushing my heart toward a fatal heart attack... I did
nothing that warrants capital punishment.. All I did was upset a hooker
and a deflect and send back a bully politician's hate and evil.. I
thought Canada had banned capital punishment long ago...  Is upsetting a
hooker's pimp and a politician grounds for capital punishment in

My heart stings in my chest... You kooks did this to me for nothing.. My
only consolation is "What goes around, comes around"... You bully-people
have tortured and poisoned and murdered the world's greatest scientist
of your time.. I was working on adding 3.4 million years to the survival
of our Species.. You delusional bullies erased my sciences and my
remaining 20-years, and my mum's last three... Without these sciences
humanity will go extinct near the year 145,730... You people are the
Pedophiles!.. You have murdered 3.4 million years of human births, one
every second... You people murdered your future children's children
before they were even conceived and born... How many seconds are in 3.4
million years..? You people murdered that many humans.. You demonic
people deserve much worse than hell... Are you the devil
Mr.Leadbottom?..  You are seriously confused sir.. See a shrink sir
before you hurt someone, before damage a precious nation's future...

When you bullies irradiated my brain/erasing hundreds of life restoring
sciences, I was in process of inventing and designing a "hammer beam'..
a beam that would hammer a nail... I see how the melting Arctic will
result in North America losing its cold winds, which make the weather...
Without the cold Arctic winds the weather will stall, and the rains will
fall where they are created.. Canada will turn into mostly dessert... I
had figured a way to refreeze the Arctic, by mounting, on barges, 90
hammer beams powered with plazma engines, set on wide-disbursal, to slam
quarter-mile by one mile blocks of Arctic air into 200 foot thick slabs
of friction heated air, sent southward by the angles of the hits, to
give areas of the planet good weather should they wish it.. And removing
the warm air from the Arctic refreezes the Arctic ice, thereby saving
the weather in the northern hemisphere from crashing...

I'll make a deal with humanity.. You stop those crazies from treating me
like crap, and I'll build weather controls to refreeze the Arctic, so
the northern hemisphere doesn't get turned into lifeless dessert within
500-years... I'm trying my all to add longevity to humanity, whilst
bully humans are stripping decades off my life... The deal is: Humanity
get those kooks off my life, and prevent them from murdering me, and
I'll save your children's world from your messes, by repairing this
planet's life support systems...

Today, the V-chip was very loud from 8:PM to 12 PM, then quiet for an
hour.. Now it is ringing very loudly at 1:10AM, loud enough to act as an
"alarm clock", is why I can't get a reasonable night's sleep.. They wake
me all through the night/every night.. Seems they are intentionally
torturing me to death by sleep deprivation.. every day and night since
February 2010...

I know about what a pedo does to a child.. I was molested three times by
insane adult people when I was a kid.. I know first hand the hurt and
mess it does to an innocent child's life.. You grow up feeling dirty,
and feeling like you don't belong anywhere.. It is oh so evil to do that
to a child.. I analyzed all my memories of it, and I got over it.. I
have long been an advocate against child abuse.. It's odd that I am
being murdered by mass-pedophiles for being molested by pedophiles...

Seems I need the courts to find cause to order removal this deadly bit
of electronics from my ear before it kills me..  that is if the cops
don't murder me soon to fulfill and defend their delusions and fears... 

I did no crime.. Seems the Canadian Supreme Court and Canadian Federal
government needs to look deep into the occurrences of mass delusion and
the illegal capital punishment that's happening in Canada, right now, in
a vigilante way by authorities with guns... This isn't "serve and
protect"..  this is "torture, terrorize and destroy"...  Read your dam
oath, and Get It!..

Seems I need help from Canada's best lawyers..
Deal is.. You save me from the kooks, and I'll save your children's home
planet from extinction, and I might still have the time remaining to
build the plazma engines for your flying cars, if I can get rid of this
horrid infection the kooks put into my blood, but one needs a strong
heart to do this level of thought-processing.. I'm sustaining small
heart attacks these days.. I need some medical assistance to hold my
life together, what little is left of it... I doubt I can live for any
more than a year or two with this infection in my blood, and this
perpetual induced sleep deprivation, so if you want some new science,
you should help me through this thing.. Seems that I might still have
the potential to re-acquire the engine designs that will obsolete fire
and gas.. engines that will get us to healthy planets in other solar
systems, before this ones shows that we've killed it...

When they started terrorizing me, I was working on "dismantling the
virus"..  I was going to cure every disease on planet earth, and I knew
I could.. starting with the diseases that are targeting the planet's
crucial pollinators, and the viruses that target humanity... Decades ago
I suggested to UWO labs that they might find a cure to Aids in the
technology which inverses salt (sodium chloride)..  A couple years
later, someone found a partial Aids cure by inversing medicinal

I started my anti-disease policy to boost human longevity, with
complaining to all the world's bosses and media that people who aren't
washing their hands after toileting are spreading a fresh coating of
their human excrement all over the public domain, daily, that being the
cause of at least 30% of humanity's diseases...  
After years of complaining, eventually we got those little bottles of
hand sterilizer everywhere in the public domain..  That's my doing...
I did some complaining about, that vaginitis and acne, and various other
diseases, are caused from human poo getting where it shouldn't be.. 
Seems they still haven't clued into it...

The bully's extreme cat-scan to my brain erased all the sciences I had
accumulated over the past 50-years... Who is running this ongoing
terrorism against my life..?  Who is at the controls of this heart
stopping V-chip in my ear..?  Are you the devil sir..? or are you just
possessed by the devil..?

How does a innocent citizen protect himself from the police..?  
How does a great scientist protect himself from evil people in

Is this hell..?  Is this, you "devils" pulling me down into your hell..?
 It doesn't matter.. I've got my ticket, and you demons aren't on my

It's 2:30 AM, and the chip is again ringing loud enough to wake me from
my sleep if I was asleep.. so loud now that it makes my nose feel like
it's bleeding, and is sustaining a severe migraine... Seems you bullies
are allowing me maximum 45-minute sleeps all through the night... May I
see the court order that says you can deprive me of sleep for two years,
infect my blood with deadly bio-toxins, destroy my income, Steal my
possessions, destroy my life and neighborhood, essentially murder me to
fulfill your fantasies and delusions, by torturing and crushing
Innocence and Genius..?

If your great god could say something to you, what might it be..?  I can
only guess that it might be "Show me your Love, or Go to Hell"....  I'm
saying it too...

The kooks will probably murder me for posting this letter asking for
help from Canadians and Canada and Humanity.. but it's all I've got
left, and this screaming V-chip, that you are controlling, is going to
kill me soon anyway..  I might as well play my last option to try to
survive, because I have two seriously, all their lives been mistreated,
elderly ladies to make their final days be as comfortable and loved to
the best of my abilities...  It's 3:15 AM, the chip is ringing so loud
my nose feels like it's bleeding, and the ringing is in both ears, and
causing me a heavy migraine, like it does every day/all day/all night...
 Why are you torturing the only man who can save your Species from
extinction..?  What in your hell is it with you kooks..? Is it a libido
release thing for you..?  Do you believe if you mindlessly destroy me
you will suddenly have all the mind and inventions I have..?  It doesn't
work that way kooks!.. that's insanity you kooks.. you kooks break
other's happys, then allow yourselves as much happy as you believe you
broke.. thht!

I was going to make Canada be number-one in all the sciences...  I was
going to make Canada be the number-one nation in all the world,
including in all the sciences, and in politics and military... I was
going to generate $700 Trillion for Canada.. Why did you break it..?
This stuff was Canada's Future..  This stuff was the future of each and
every Canadian and human, so there would be no more poor and destitute
people anywhere on the planet ...  

In erasing my 300-sciences you destroyed Canada's future..  You
destroyed humanity's future..  You destroyed your children's future.. 
You destroyed yourselves when you destroyed humanity's greatest
scientist yet.. I worked 50 years to acquire these sciences for you and
your Species, and you erased them in a minute, you soulless mindless

Seems I need a bunch of top lawyers to assist me out of those kook's
clutches and out of their hell, so I can assist humanity out of its

(As I finished up this letter, the encrypted OS on this new hard drive,
suddenly failed completely.. which I can only suppose that the cops have
a connection into my computer, even when it isn't Net connected.. Seems
they are still messing with my PC, in trying to stop this letter.. I
need this hardware checked by experts to determine what other illegal
things they did at my house.. I need these three cars and buildings
swept for transmitters.. I need to have these vehicles checked by
experts, to determine if this rash of recent potentially fatal
mechanical failures were actually attempted murder.. I need this
transmitter removed from my ear ASAP, because it is so attempted murder,
and it is so killing me.) 

If you can't maintain the justice system on a base of love, dignity,
honesty, respect.. You're Fired!..  This nationwide cumulative hate,
fear, discord, and dishonesty, the justice system(s) is generating, is
what is fueling War globally... You strong people are destroying our
gentle folk nations, just to fuel your worthless lives and delusions..
Wake Up!.. It's time to purge you and the rest of the schoolyard bullies
from the justice system, or all of us just sit back, and watch the
planet & humanity sink into your hell, and our oblivion... Your and our
choice.. Your and our "freewill".. You are messing with our lives
mister..  We aren't yours to mess with!..  You are driving yourself into
hell, sir...

What be the difference between "dictator & president/pm/king..?

The difference be honesty...
As much honest the leader is, is as much a president/pm/king he is...
As much dishonest the leader is, is exactly as much a dictator he is...
I'm told that a dictator is one who simply takes control of the
government and peasants for his own exclusive purposes and designs...
The peasants are merely "his problem, and his meal"...

First off, the police system needs be purged of all those police-people
who are known to have been "schoolyard bullies"...
If those full-time bullies need to bully Innocence, as an alternative to
them perpetually bullying us and destroying our happy cultures, stick
them bullies on front lines in your crazy wars, instead of us being
forced to sustain their perpetual malice only..  They handle their "to
serve and protect" like it's a disposable commodity, and a license to
bully.. too often treating it as "to bully and torture", like they are
doing today... Police malice is why humanity does War, is why humanity
is so full of fear and hate and violence today...  Purge those devils
and evils out of our cultures and lives, and love may well have a place
to start to be and grow in Life..  We might see it to stop killing this
planet and each other... Dismantle the violent parts of democracy that
are anti-life/anti-love/that are souly money-sucking gold-fevered
demons, feeding upon Innocence, like leaches feed on victims.. Eliminate
those horrid cancers from governance.. Get their hells out of our
lives..  You're Fired!..

Or you can simply let humanity fall into hell, as it is... It's up to
you..  I don't give a flying-fsst what you do..  I don't need these
Sciences..  You do..  I've got my ticket out of here, into the rest of
life..  and it sure doesn't include any of you creeps, kooks, and
bullies.. You all can go find your own fantasy heaven and pretend gods,
your own delusional ways..  You and and your delusion isn't part of my
equation.. I ain't part of your great delusion in any way.. You'll see
when you die, when all the lies and bullshit falls off, and all you've
got left of reality is a fading dream, a goofy wish, nauseous pretend
love, a worthless prayer-poem, and vile black memories of evils done,
all that's left of your life and your future..  Your "soul" is your
recorded memories of what you did throughout your life.. Most of you are
already in hell, just don't know it yet..  You ain't worth helping..
Help yourselves..  Switch on your minds, and your love for all life,, is
the only wat for you to get out of hell...  Why do you pray in hell..?

If you want to make your Species live longer than 145,700 years, I know
how to build what you need to do it..  The planet taught me what she
needs done to restore her skin.. Just give me a lab, to my specs,
between Banff and Calgary, and I'll build what gets you to other
habitable planets, given that you've pretty-much already murdered this
one..  Or not.. it don't much matter anything to me.. Go to hell if you
must..  I'm outahere, into the rest of Life, with an engine built on a
joint effort by the "sources, forces, and gods", for me to be their
nomadic external senses to the places they can't reach to know, after
this body dies and I shakes it off...  You've already seen and videoed
my sweetheart pets circling the planet..  Your nasa called them
"UFO's".. They sure didn't move like ufo's.. thousands of my dear pet
dragons, who would attack eaten you in three seconds, tops, if you
aren't made of absolute love, inside and out..  I called them in through
that huge hole that recently opened in Space, to avenge my death.. that
hole your "nasa" claims is a "blackhole" recently opened in Space".. 
There's millions of my puppies out there waiting for "daddy" to set
their directive.. It's set.. You murdered me...  

It's 12:43 AM..  Your V-chip is ringing so loud tonight, I can't get to
sleep.. the noise makes it feel like my nose is bleeding..  So you wants
to play big bad mean bully, does you..  What goes around always comes
around.. In this universe moving things take-on orbits.. My turn is
coming.. I'll soon show you what I can Play, after you've murdered my
vehicle for your insanity sport...  

You delusional demons have murdered your home planet, yourselves, and
your greatest scientist, who just happened to stumble upon how the
afterlife works, who could have fixed your dying planet back to
pristine.. You numbs can just go watch your tv-soaps, just a rubbin' and
a tuggin' at your crotch, till you runs out of breaths & beats, for all
I cares...  Recycle into sentient excrement if you must.. Show me your
love, or go to hell... 

Only reason I linger here, is to stick to my path 97 more fearless
loving female warriors, made of solid pure absolute love and kindness..
but I don't need them.. I have three already.. It's just in case we
"make woopie" in the next, to ensure variety... I give them their
cosmic-swords, handed to me by what looks like, maybe "five sweetheart
cosmic lady-warrior angels", in a little "soul to soul communion"... 
Leanne saw them.. she saw that cosmic little sweetie drop a sword into
my waiting hand... Seems the sword is the warrior's key into the rest of
Life.. The warrior's "key into the proverbial heaven", unless they use
it for evil, in which case they are suddenly instant history..  Ask
Leanne about it..  Her majesty Leanne has her sword.. Her majesty's
sword be the sharpest blade in this whole universe.. The rest, you can
go find your own swords.. The rest of you can go figure it out by
yourselves, or read my books, which aren't written yet, because I burned
it all, and because I can't seem to establish a suitable place conducive
to extreme creative writing, here in your great crazy hell on earth
abomination, documenting that which be the rest of Life and Love, for
you to beat your incoming extinction, and to pull you out of your
precious hell... 

This bout of police brutality set me back fifty-years, back to
square-one in my science activities, pushing me to burn my notes to
prevent kooks from seeing them, preventing me from giving you these
planet and humanity saving Sciences...  You could have just said that
you don't want any new sciences.. A basic "no" would have been
sufficient.. easier than ripping my life to shreds, and poisoning my

Seems, all humans know these days, is a desperate wanton lust for easy
money and quick static superficial robotic sex, anesthetics to numb the
pain and fears of living, adrenal release, hate, fear, disease,
violence, death, prayer, delusional power, pretend wealth, elitist
delusion, blind mindless subservience, and "mass delusion"... = "Slaves"
for short...

I can't fix your great messes.. it be your messes.. You made them.. You
can just go live and die in it.. yet I still try to wake humanity up to
the fact that we definitely are killing our world, by treating it as an
expendable commodity.. I warned your political and religious bosses, and
your global cultures, decades ago, what your messes are doing, and would
do, to the planet.. Cleaning up your messes ain't part of my equation,
nor job description.. though I do so know what needs be done... My only
job is to be me, and be the "big guys" senses after this body dies and
falls off.. Nothing can stop this.. Life itself embraces my Being for
its own greater purposes.. Besides, you creatures defend your messes and
your evils with your uncontrolled evil, hate and violence.. Clean out
your own "leaking-diaper".. I don't do diapers!.. But I sure know how to
repair your dying planet.. but reality doesn't fit anywhere in your
perpetual mass delusions.. You creatures are killing your home planet,
and you don't even know it, and most of those who know don't care... I
heard a rumour in the "aethers" that "Judgment day was yesterday".. Why
do you all pray in hell..?  At Delta, science and religion must unite to
become reality..  Separate, all you've got is delusion, destruction,
death, and oblivion, like all you have now...

Bottom line is: Build me a lab, or remain in hell on your present path
and trajectory into oblivion...  Or you ca go fix the planet
yourselves.. I'll just watch you critters do great things, from a safe

I posted on the Internet at 2:pm, and now this "police V-chip" has been
ringing so loud in my ears and skull that my heart is stinging on every
beat, as if it's about to have a seizure... Who is it the controls of
this device..?  Who is it who is murdering me..?  Is this persistent
deadly torture to my Being, just because I posted on the Internet that
all police and politicians should be tested for cocaine usage, because
we don't want to be governed by druggies"..?  I saw on television, the
eyes of political candidates showing the "three whites"..  Eyes showing
the three whites means that someone is obviously "stoned on cocaine".. 
I complained on the Internet that "we don't want our lives controlled by
coke-head druggies!", and suddenly the police attacked me with gusto,
destroying the science I had, to make Canadians and Canada the
wealthiest people and nation in the world..  This vile chip is ringing
so loud right now, that it feels like my nose is bleeding, and this
daily migraine is so powerful that pain killers don't even touch it.. 
They ring this chip loudly off and on all throughout the day, and all
evening steady from 2:30 PM to 1:30 AM.. It stops for 3 to 4 hours,
allowing me a couple hours sleep, then wakes me at 5:30 AM every
morning.. I have a potentially fatal heart condition now caused by those
devil-people's V-chip, and am getting only a few hours sleep per day..
This is intentional murder, and you kooks know it.. You mindless crazies
are murdering Canada's greatest scientist, Canada's future, just to
satisfy a devil politician's angers... Your evils done is the actual
composition of your soul.. Your collective memories is your soul..  It
will all come back to you, for sure.. That's how the greater life
works.. You mindless hateful demonic kooks are destroying our Canada,
and yourselves, and our planet your children's children's home.. I know
how to fix this planet...

-- - Does exactly what it says on the tin

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