Progress on getting my desktop working properly

Joe Zeff joe at
Mon Dec 19 19:31:39 UTC 2011

On 12/18/2011 11:55 PM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> Looking back at the amount of time and work you spent on it, wouldn't it have
> been easier to just backup&wipe&cleaninstall F16 instead? :-)

Considering the amount of customization, the number of programs I'd have 
to reinstall and so on, maybe not.

> But OTOH hey, congratulations for persistance and beating the machine into
> submission... ;-)

Thanx.  It's not so much that a reinstall would be a defeat as much as 
getting it fixed would be a victory, a learning experience and a good 
way to pass the time because I'm retired.

Alas, for some reason the new kernel wasn't installed, so I'll try again 
today, using yum, not yumex so that I can keep a record of everything. 
Also, oddly enough, nothing you do via yumex shows in yum's history.

Last, I still had two dependency issues requiring me to select 
skip-broken: upstart and initscripts-legacy.

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