Listings Question About Ping

Joe Zeff joe at
Sun Dec 25 17:41:52 UTC 2011

On 12/25/2011 05:05 AM, Tim wrote:
> It's not actually yellow.  If you were going to argue the line of us
> being sensitive to the colour of the sun, actually it's far more logical
> that we're least sensitive to the strongest colours about.

As long as we're on that subject for a moment, I'd like to comment that 
I learned back in the mid '80s that there's no such thing as a green 
star.  The frequency range for green is so narrow, that even if a star's 
peak output is inside it there's going to be enough from one side or the 
other that we'd see it as either blue or yellow.  This, BTW, was from a 
friend with a degree in Astronomy, so I'd tend to believe him.

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