DVD ISO copy weirdness

T.C. Hollingsworth tchollingsworth at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 16:56:14 UTC 2011

2011/12/30 夜神 岩男 <supergiantpotato at yahoo.co.jp>:
> It should, but it doesn't. It only copies the first 9MB which, on checking,
> copied the previews and ads from Disney (which were almost more annoying
> than this problem in the first place).
> The way I usually do this is with brasero, just right-clicking and let it do
> the rest.

Try using k3b.  Another user on this list had a problem burning a disc
using Brasero, but k3b worked great for them.  Perhaps you'll have
similar luck with ripping.  I've always used it and never had any
trouble ripping DVDs.

To make sure you get all the goodies from RPMFusion needed to rip a DVD, run:
yum install k3b k3b-extras-freeworld

> I'm about to just not buy any more DVDs from Disney and switch to
> rental-only or go all-out pirate (admittedly an easier option). DVDs and
> Bluerays are way too expensive to let decay with no ability to copy them for
> legal use.


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