yum vs. rpm to install occasional products

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 30 15:46:26 UTC 2011

On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 16:24:04 +0100
Jon Ingason wrote:

> The main difference is that yum(8) try to solve dependency while rpm(8) 
> does not.

That, and the next time you use yum after using rpm, yum will
scream at you about modifying the database outside of yum :-).

I find it very useful to use the yum localinstall technique for
things like acroread on a 64 bit system, since if I allow it
to use the adobe repo, it will decide to satisfy dependencies
by doing things like pulling down the spanish version of
acroread to get some library packaged with it.

If I disable the adobe repo while installing the manually
downloaded acroread rpm, the dependencies get satisfied by
the fedora repos, and I automagically get all the 32 bit
support libs I need.

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