Anyone gotten ATI HDMI audio working?

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at
Fri Jun 3 12:06:16 UTC 2011

I've got fedora 15 running on my Dell Zino HD with an HDMI
connection as the only thing running to the flatscreen TV.

On Windows 7, audio just works. On Fedora 15, I haven't
yet managed to find the magic incantation to enable the
ATI card's HDMI audio output.

I've seen a few web pages that talk about configuring
alsa with some sort of plughw setting which will enable
it to convert incoming analog to outgoing PCM, but don't
really understand it or know if the necessary drivers
to do that sort of thing are in fedora.

Just wondering if anyone already has a prescription
for this I can follow and avoid doing all the research
and chasing the flock of wild geese that comes with it :-).

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