Special Characters

Roelof 'Ben' Kusters web at bentrein.com
Wed Jun 15 13:01:57 UTC 2011

Hi There,

I'm using the US English keyboard, and am so used to that, I don't want to  
change the layout.
However, I type quite a few things in Dutch, and in F14 and earlier, I had  
standard enabled a special character "thingy" in the panel. This allowed  
me to chose a character (like é or ï - the most common two in Dutch) and  
hit ctrl+v (yes, I know, paste would work too) and get that character in  
my text.
With the absence in panels, I would like to know if there is a way to  
assign certain key-combinations to make (application independent) certain  
letters? I mean, I don't only use them in LibreOffice, but also in Opera,  
or Chrome... Is there a way to always get the same result?

Ideally I would like to get the combination ctrl+'+e to make é, and  
ctrl+shift+;+i to make ï (or ctrl+:+i to make ï). Anyone any thoughts?


Roelof Kusters
aka Ben

The internet isn't a highway, it's a swamp: the more you surf, the more it  
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