Protected WLAN

Misha Shnurapet shnurapet at
Tue May 17 16:30:08 UTC 2011

18.05.2011, 00:21, "JD" <jd1008 at>:
> I would select wpa2-personal, and select AES Encryption.
> Be sure that you create a passphrase that is 64 characters.
> and is made of a random string of printable characters.

Checking WPA2... done.
Checking AES... done.
A passphrase of 63 mixed case letters and special symbols and a notebook and a pencil worked fine.

18.05.2011, 00:39, "Joe Zeff" <joe at>:
> Just out of curiosity, how would a phrase in a language that's not
> natively written in the Latin alphabet do?

It didn't work at all. I mean it didn't even take it as a setting.

Best regards,
Misha Shnurapet, Fedora Project Contributor
shnurapet AT, GPG: 00217306

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