Protected WLAN

Misha Shnurapet shnurapet at
Tue May 17 18:02:19 UTC 2011

18.05.2011, 02:39, "JD" <jd1008 at>:
> You understand that both the access point and the computer
> have to have the same settings?
> i.e. wpa2-psk, AES and the same 63 character string as the
> passphrase.
> And is you router using MAC address filtering to grant access?
> If so, you will need to add the MAC address of your computer to
> the "allow" list on the router.

Everything works fine, thanks.

18.05.2011, 02:11, "James McKenzie" <jjmckenzie51 at>:
> The next step is MAC restricting and a lot more.  However, just
> employing security and hidden SSID is a great start.  Most people do
> not do this.

I won't use a whitelist filter so I don't get locked out on a coincidence, plus my neighbours aren't into that level of computer science and I believe they're beyond the distance.

Best regards,
Misha Shnurapet, Fedora Project Contributor
shnurapet AT, GPG: 00217306

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