JDK 7 status and IcedTea

Joe Zeff joe at zeff.us
Fri Nov 4 17:05:24 UTC 2011

On 11/04/2011 09:52 AM, fernando at lozano.eti.br wrote:
> Hi there,
> Thanks a lot. But I don't understand, what is "top-post" ?

Top post is what you did when you put your reply at the top of the 
message instead of below the quoted text as is considered proper for 
this mailing list.  Yes, I know that some email programs put the cursor 
at the top of the reply, but there's nothing stopping you from moving it 
down to where it belongs.

Top posting is considered bad manners in most technical fora because it 
reverses the normal order of conversations, putting the answer before 
the question.

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