Update of rpmfusion-* on F16-x86_64 is confusing or lost.

T.C. Hollingsworth tchollingsworth at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 19:56:20 UTC 2011

2011/11/23 Lucélio Gomes de Freitas <aa.lucelio at gmail.com>:
> TC,
> The simple fact that the repository is listed by "yum repolist" means
> that it is enabled?
> Once they are there, why the question "Do you trust the source of the
> packages?".  Is this a bug?

Well, you should get that when installing the rpmfusion-release
packages, because they're from a source that the system doesn't know
about.  (The fact that apper froze afterward seems to be a bug,

Once you've installed that, it should install the RPMFusion GPG keys
into RPM so you don't get that error when installing new packages from
RPMFusion.  Do you still get that message when you try to install
RPMFusion packages, or has it gone away?


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