Fedora 15 is a lot like Windows OS's.. irritating, offensive, difficult to use with ease, nauseating to try...

Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu m3freak at thesandhufamily.ca
Sat Sep 3 01:26:18 UTC 2011

On Fri, 2011-09-02 at 13:43 +0200, Łukasz Jagiełło wrote:
> Don't forget about people like me who really likes new gnome3. You
> want change distribution only cause you doesn't like new gnome3. Did
> you write all your problems at F-15 alpha stage or earlier stage when
> everything was possible to do ? Guess not, but now you want to back
> some support only cause you doesn't like it. Of course there are many
> people who wrote here how they doesn't like gnome3, but did you think
> when people who like something doesn't special write about it.

I like it, too.  Yes, there are some rough edges.  In fact, there are
some things that don't make sense, at all.  But, overall I like it.  

I took a while to get used to it, and I had to change my desktop habits.
Now, I like it.  I wouldn't say I prefer it to Gnome 2, but I can
definitely live with Gnome 3.


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