reaching a server behind a NAT

Genes MailLists lists at
Mon Sep 5 15:38:01 UTC 2011

On 09/05/2011 11:20 AM, Christopher Svanefalk wrote:
> Hey all,
> sorry if this is not purely Fedora related, but I was hoping I might get
> some feedback anyhow from someone who knows more than I do.
> I have this:
> A NAT-configured router between my house and the internet.
> A NAS behind the router.
> A dyndns account, set up and pointing to the global address of the router.
> I want to be able to reach the NAS from the internet. However, trying to
> do so (including attempts to bind to specific ports on the NAS) simply
> do not work, and I cannot tell why.
> I have set up the router to port-forward the correct portcalls to the
> NAS, but that does not solve anything.

  I'm not sure I really understand your needs/goals - but if you're
looking to access your NAS server (NFS?) files over the internet you may
want something more like a vpn solution rather than opening up the box
to the internet (sounds insecure to me)

  If you you have a computer on the inside that sees the NAS files, you
could also forward a high port to the ssh port on that computer - then
use ssh to pull/push files ... some graphical file browsers know how to
use ssh to make the remote files 'appear' local in your GUI. I'd prefer
this be a computer behind the firewall rather than the firewall itself -
ditto for an VPN exercise.


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