enlightenment e17

gpe gpebug at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 11:31:49 UTC 2011

There was a lot going on about hating the gnome3 and someone mentioned 
that he miss e17 on Fedora.
Currently I am a happy e17 user on Fedora 15.
I like the customizability, the flexibility and the lightness (it eats 
less than 70MB of RAM).
Even if it considered as beta I do not had any issues with it and I 
using it on a day-to-day basis.
Here is a help if anybody want to try it out.
1. Add fedora.md repo
rpm -Uvh http://repo.fedora.md/fmd/fedora/fedoramd-release-15.rpm
(you may want to replace 15 with your current Fedora version)
2. Install e7
yum install enlightenment exchange
3. The extensions are started with e_modules
Few recommendations (it can be installed with yum)
4. On login select enlightenment from the dropdown list
5. Enjoy

If you need any more help, please let me know.


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