LXDE is an acceptable substitute for Gnome 2

Alan Cox alan at lxorguk.ukuu.org.uk
Sun Sep 18 12:26:08 UTC 2011

> Has anyone taken a poll from the Fedora Community
> as to what new directions Gnome-X should be taking
> BEFORE making such a paradigm shift? Were this a

Are they paying customers, do they have support contracts ?

> commercial product, you will hearing from your customers
> who otherwise will drop the product (gnome-3, that is) and
> seek solace elsewhere. IMO, the peanut-gallery started with
> Gnome-3, not Gnome-2.

Fedora is not a product with customers. Quite what Red Hat Enterprise
customers have to say to Red Hat down the line when/if it becomes the
desktop of whatever their next product is I don't know.

> It seems to me, a LOT of work went into Gnome-3,
> with the expectation that the Linux community will have
> to have it ramroded into their throats, mercilessly water
> boarded without resistance, and their screams silenced...

It's very hard to force people to take anything in the free world.
Windows 8 you will get the desktop delivered as defined by MS. In the
Linux case well if you don't like it run something else.

In the case of business users I doubt many use Fedora for that, and
those using RHEL, CentOS etc will have five odd years to ponder the
question anyway.

I do think there is a problem with the Gnome development model and its
unwillingness of many of its developers to accept external input as
anything but criticism of them personally. The foundation-list is
currently involved in a fascinating example where many of the developers
are attempting to block and stonewall a third party survey of desktop
users and their interests. It reminds me of the behaviour of
failing governments that are about to implode before an election is
forced - a complete total denial.

I shall continue voting Xfce 8)


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