Need to improve Fedora Hardware compatibilty & Gnome3

Joe Zeff joe at
Wed Sep 21 18:04:38 UTC 2011

On 09/21/2011 10:28 AM, Navdeep Singh Sidhu wrote:
> Hello,
> Recently working using fedora 15 on my Dell laptop becomes pain in my
> neck. So i figure out that linux & fedora needs a lot of improvement to
> do. So i come up with a list that i thinks lacks in Fedora & Gnome 3.

Fedora will always need improvement because it's a work in progress and 
a test bed for new programs and technologies.  That doesn't mean that we 
shouldn't complain about what's wrong, or try to get problems fixed 
because that's part of what Fedora's all about.

Alas, part of what you're complaining about is with Gnome 3, and Fedora 
doesn't control that.  You'll need to get your complaints to the Gnome 
devs and see if they're interested in doing anything about that.

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